

LG - 机器学习 CV - 计算机视觉 CL - 计算与语言 AS - 音频与语音 RO - 机器人

1、[LG] *Simplifying Hamiltonian and Lagrangian Neural Networks via Explicit Constraints

M Finzi, K A Wang, A G Wilson

[New York University & Cornell University]


Reasoning about the physical world requires models that are endowed with the right inductive biases to learn the underlying dynamics. Recent works improve generalization for predicting trajectories by learning the Hamiltonian or Lagrangian of a system rather than the differential equations directly. While these methods encode the constraints of the systems using generalized coordinates, we show that embedding the system into Cartesian coordinates and enforcing the constraints explicitly with Lagrange multipliers dramatically simplifies the learning problem. We introduce a series of challenging chaotic and extended-body systems, including systems with N-pendulums, spring coupling, magnetic fields, rigid rotors, and gyroscopes, to push the limits of current approaches. Our experiments show that Cartesian coordinates with explicit constraints lead to a 100x improvement in accuracy and data efficiency.


2、[LG] *Hyperparameter Ensembles for Robustness and Uncertainty Quantification

F Wenzel, J Snoek, D Tran, R Jenatton

[Google Research]

面向鲁棒性和不确定性量化的超参数集成。提出了超深集成(hyper-deep ensembles),涉及对不同超参数的随机搜索,在多个随机初始化过程中分层。通过模型权重和超参数多样性集成,实现了强大性能。在批量集成和自调优网络基础上,进一步提出了参数高效的超批量集成(hyper-batch ensembles),计算和内存成本明显低于典型的深度集成方法。

Ensembles over neural network weights trained from different random initialization, known as deep ensembles, achieve state-of-the-art accuracy and calibration. The recently introduced batch ensembles provide a drop-in replacement that is more parameter efficient. In this paper, we design ensembles not only over weights, but over hyperparameters to improve the state of the art in both settings. For best performance independent of budget, we propose hyper-deep ensembles, a simple procedure that involves a random search over different hyperparameters, themselves stratified across multiple random initializations. Its strong performance highlights the benefit of combining models with both weight and hyperparameter persity. We further propose a parameter efficient version, hyper-batch ensembles, which builds on the layer structure of batch ensembles and self-tuning networks. The computational and memory costs of our method are notably lower than typical ensembles. On image classification tasks, with MLP, LeNet, ResNet 20 and Wide ResNet 28-10 architectures, we improve upon both deep and batch ensembles.


3、[CV] Exemplary Natural Images Explain CNN Activations Better than Feature Visualizations

J Borowski, R S. Zimmermann, J Schepers, R Geirhos, T S. A. Wallis, M Bethge, W Brendel

[University of Tubingen]


Feature visualizations such as synthetic maximally activating images are a widely used explanation method to better understand the information processing of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). At the same time, there are concerns that these visualizations might not accurately represent CNNs' inner workings. Here, we measure how much extremely activating images help humans to predict CNN activations. Using a well-controlled psychophysical paradigm, we compare the informativeness of synthetic images (Olah et al., 2017) with a simple baseline visualization, namely exemplary natural images that also strongly activate a specific feature map. Given either synthetic or natural reference images, human participants choose which of two query images leads to strong positive activation. The experiment is designed to maximize participants' performance, and is the first to probe intermediate instead of final layer representations. We find that synthetic images indeed provide helpful information about feature map activations (82% accuracy; chance would be 50%). However, natural images-originally intended to be a baseline-outperform synthetic images by a wide margin (92% accuracy). Additionally, participants are faster and more confident for natural images, whereas subjective impressions about the interpretability of feature visualization are mixed. The higher informativeness of natural images holds across most layers, for both expert and lay participants as well as for hand- and randomly-picked feature visualizations. Even if only a single reference image is given, synthetic images provide less information than natural images (65% vs. 73%). In summary, popular synthetic images from feature visualizations are significantly less informative for assessing CNN activations than natural images. We argue that future visualization methods should improve over this simple baseline.


4、[CL] A Survey on Recent Approaches for Natural Language Processing in Low-Resource Scenarios

M A. Hedderich, L Lange, H Adel, J Strötgen, D Klakow

[Saarland University & Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence]


Current developments in natural language processing offer challenges and opportunities for low-resource languages and domains. Deep neural networks are known for requiring large amounts of training data which might not be available in resource-lean scenarios. However, there is also a growing body of works to improve the performance in low-resource settings. Motivated by fundamental changes towards neural models and the currently popular pre-train and fine-tune paradigm, we give an overview of promising approaches for low-resource natural language processing. After a discussion about the definition of low-resource scenarios and the different dimensions of data availability, we then examine methods that enable learning when training data is sparse. This includes mechanisms to create additional labeled data like data augmentation and distant supervision as well as transfer learning settings that reduce the need for target supervision. The survey closes with a brief look into methods suggested in non-NLP machine learning communities, which might be beneficial for NLP in low-resource scenarios


5、[CL] An Industry Evaluation of Embedding-based Entity Alignment

Z Zhang, J Chen, X Chen, H Liu, Y Xiang, B Liu, Y Zheng

[Tencent Jarvis Lab & University of Oxford]


Embedding-based entity alignment has been widely investigated in recent years, but most proposed methods still rely on an ideal supervised learning setting with a large number of unbiased seed mappings for training and validation, which significantly limits their usage. In this study, we evaluate those state-of-the-art methods in an industrial context, where the impact of seed mappings with different sizes and different biases is explored. Besides the popular benchmarks from DBpedia and Wikidata, we contribute and evaluate a new industrial benchmark that is extracted from two heterogeneous knowledge graphs (KGs) under deployment for medical applications. The experimental results enable the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of these alignment methods and the further discussion of suitable strategies for their industrial deployment.


[LG] OPAL: Offline Primitive Discovery for Accelerating Offline Reinforcement Learning


A Ajay, A Kumar, P Agrawal, S Levine, O Nachum

[MIT & Google Research]


[LG] S2cGAN: Semi-Supervised Training of Conditional GANs with Fewer Labels

S2 GAN:少标签的条件GAN半监督训练

A Chakraborty, R Ragesh, M Shah, N Kwatra

[Microsoft Research India]


[CL] FastFormers: Highly Efficient Transformer Models for Natural Language Understanding


Y J Kim, H H Awadalla



[LG] Improving the Reconstruction of Disentangled Representation Learners via Multi-Stage Modelling


A Srivastava, Y Bansal, Y Ding, C Hurwitz, K Xu, B Egger, P Sattigeri, J Tenenbaum, D D. Cox, D Gutfreund

[IBM Research & Harvard University & University of Edinburgh & MIT]


[RO] High Acceleration Reinforcement Learning for Real-World Juggling with Binary Rewards


K Ploeger, M Lutter, J Peters

[Technical University of Darmstadt]


[CV] APB2FaceV2: Real-Time Audio-Guided Multi-Face Reenactment


J Zhang, X Zeng, C Xu, J Chen, Y Liu, Y Jiang

[Zhejiang University & Huzhou University]


[LG] Graph Information Bottleneck


T Wu, H Ren, P Li, J Leskovec

[Stanford University]


[LG] XLVIN: eXecuted Latent Value Iteration Nets


A Deac, P Veličković, O Milinković, P Bacon, J Tang, M Nikolić

[Mila & DeepMind & University of Belgrade]


[CL] Long Document Ranking with Query-Directed Sparse Transformer


J Jiang, C Xiong, C Lee, W Wang

[Microsoft Research AI]


[CL] Automatically Identifying Words That Can Serve as Labels for Few-Shot Text Classification


T Schick, H Schmid, H Schütze

[LMU Munich]



